The gift of rest!

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2022

I don't know about you, but I have needed a deep rest for a long time... but I haven't been able to or created the space where I have honoured that. During these school holidays, I set out to purposefully and intentionally slow down, calm myself and connect with my kids again... and gee it has been glorious. 

You see, when you are a giving and service profession, it is so easy to fall into permanent giving mode. You give of yourself at work, to your family at home, and then you give to your online community, and all of a sudden you are all 'gived' out.

And that's where I had found myself. I could feel my body beginning to tell me again that if I wasn't careful, I would be back at burnout, and I really didn't want to be back there. 

Creating some purposeful calming time was really needed for me, and I'll just throw this out there, it's also really needed for you too probably.

Check out the podcast just released all about the why behind needing a break.

I feel like growing up we were fed the line that it was just really easy to keep on working, and if you did need a break then you were weak and not on top of everything.

In today's modern world, this is a recipe for disaster.

So click here to listen to a simple, but vital 15 min reminder about why you need to rest.  

Much Love Mama,

Dr Ali

Chiro, Mama and Busy Brain Supporter xoxo


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