Three little reminders

Uncategorized Jul 18, 2022

Gorgeous Mama-Bear - three little reminders from the awesome Sarah at the Affirmation Farm.

1. The 'Mother load' is real. It's the mental load, the 'to do' list, the emotions, the calendar, the meal plan, the routine, the jobs, washing, cooking, cleaning, the school newsletter, homework, n apples, crafts, sports, sleeps, bills, healthy snacks, reading stories, building Lego and lots of hugs and kisses. It's OK to feel the weight of it.

2. The quandary of modern motherhood: how to balance devotion with preservation of self. 

3. You may sometimes think your day to day is mundane. At the end of the day you may not think you have done enough. But think of all the wonderful, heroic, exhausting, tender, glorious, loving things you did today. Well Done Mama!.

She sums it up beautifully doesn't she, follow her on insta here! 

Much Love Mama,

Dr Ali

Chiro, Mama and Busy Brain Supporter xoxo


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