Get out of Stressland
A Workshop for Mum's!
This FREE workshop is for Mum's who have found themselves falling deeper and deeper into stress-land.
In this workshop we will dive into the identifiers of stress in the mum body and environment...
And give you the tools you can use Straight Away to start bring yourself back out!
Are you ready to reclaim your SELF, your HEALTH and throw away the shackles of STRESS.
Come and join me!

Get out of Stressland
A Workshop for Mum's!
Wednesday 28th July, 8pm
This FREE workshop is for Mum's who have found themselves falling deeper and deeper into stress-land.
In this workshop we will dive into the identifiers of stress in the mum body and environment...
And give you the tools you can use Straight Away to start bring yourself back out!
Are you ready to reclaim your SELF, your HEALTH and throw away the shackles of STRESS.
Come and join me!