5 day Slow Down Mama Challenge
Are you jumping into 2022 and already in burnout mode?
Let me guide you to escape this and really jump into life with your spark turned up and your calm restored!
I'm so excited you want to UnFck your MotherHOOD experience.
This challenge is all about YOU! It is all about doing 5 days of simple things to change yourself and restore your calm... which will ultimately change your mothering experience! If we can embrace some slow now... .we can do it anytime!
5 days that will help you reconnect with that mother inside of you, that might have been tired, emotional, reactive, grumpy and not her best self. 5 days to discover a little more about YOU... and how important YOU are!
I know that inside every mum is someone who is screaming for a bit more me time... but also who is trying so hard to get it all happening at home, a finger in every pie! When we can embrace the realities of what motherhood can look like for us, and how we can choose ourselves to actually choose our families... this is where we get an UnFcked Motherhood.
Whats in the Challenge?
This challenge is 5 days to a more Slow, Connected and Calm motherhood and life experience. It will involve 5 SIMPLE things you can do, one new one each day, to help your health & heart experience be more fulfilling, gratifying and possibly even EASY (did I just say that), than it currently is.
As a Chiropractor working with mums and kids for over 19 years, there are some really easy steps we can take to simplify ourselves, our brains, our bodies, but also our world, that can help us function in a whole new spectrum of motherhood. I've been using these simple tools with mums for years, and I can't wait to share them with you.
The challenge involves a facebook live and an email daily for 5 days, beginning on the 7th February. All you have to do is open her up and see what magic you are going to bring into your world.
And what I love about it... its FREE! Its easy! You don't need special equipment or friends... just a warm virtual hug from a group of committed mums trying to work hard on themselves to be the best they can for their family.
I love that in the world of tech we can easily create a HOOD of women all taking the challenge together! Joining our private group on facebook "The HOOD", where we will all be supporting each other as we move through the 5 days of challenges.
In the Facebook Group are the Bonus parts... I'll be popping in with some extra love and fun stuff during the week! Join the Challenge to part of the FUN!
The best thing is... there are PRIZES!!
And the prize isn't all about who is the best at doing it... you just have to join in and give it a go! Everyone who responds to each day goes into the draw, and the winners are randomly selected!
1st Prize - A free enrolment into the 6 week Mama Reset course, and a bonus one-on-one coaching session with me.(value $679)
2nd Prize - a FREE enrolment into the 6 week Mama Reset Course, (value $479)
3rd Prize - an Unfck Sticker pack and free enrolment to my next short course (value $129)
And the even greater thing is, that the HOOD never closes. This group will continue on, full of likeminded women all striving to improve their 'inside job' to mother in a way that is intuitive to them, great for their health, and amazing for their family connections!
So come and Join Me and all the other mama's in the Challenge! Come and find your HOOD... start to discover those parts of you that are hiding, not coming to the surface... and RESET your Motherhood again!
Join Our Challenge
Get started today to UnFck your MotherHood experience, and to reclaim what is rightfully yours!